
What is slow beauty

After the success of “slow food” and “slow life”, it is time for “slow beauty” to rethink the future of cosmetics. The principle? Consume less and better, adopting more responsible beauty with natural ingredients.

Slow beauty is about using fewer, better products to lessen unnecessary consumption and waste. It is about investing in natural products that have been lovingly crafted using sustainable methods and intelligently sourced ingredients. It is important to take time to enjoy our beauty and skincare regimes – and this is what slow beauty is all about.

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Fermentation – the secret to glowing skin?

There is nowadays a lot of talk about fermented products – the popularity of sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha is growing rapidly. In fact, fermentation has already gained great popularity in cosmetics as well.

What is unique about Circulove face care products is that each and every active ingredient is fermented, including oils. This gives the product a unique but natural suitability for the skin.

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How do you know your skincare works?
This is one of the most difficult questions, isn’t it? Here are some easy tips from our skincare experts. What really makes product work Don’t buy into the hype – pay attention to the order of ingredients How are your...
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What is clean beauty? What does it really mean?

Most of us are careful about what we put inside our bodies so why wouldn’t we take more consideration to what we put on our skin?

Generally speaking “clean beauty” means that it is made without toxins and ingredients suspected in any way to harm human wellbeing or nature. We at Circulove believe in taking a common sense approach to clean beauty: If a product is intended to stay on your skin all day (like creams), then you should try to switch to a cleaner alternative. Our clean skincare promise to you is that ALL our products are natural, bio-active, fresh, transparent and circular. 

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